Welcome Employers!

Thank you for all you do for KPERS and its members.

Quick Vids & Education Opportunities

Top-5 Most-Viewed EWP Quick Vids for May 2024

Our video series called The Basics and our EWP Quick Vids give our Employer Contacts a good understanding and helps with the day-to-day tasks associated with their KPERS roles. You can find all employer videos on our Employer Video page.

Education Opportunities

From in-person on-location seminars to comprehensive online webinars to topic-driven webinars that shine a "spotlight" on specific subjects, your educational opportunities cover a lot of ground. See them all right here.

  • Recent Workshop: New DAs & Contacts | March 5 - April 2, 2024 | Slides (PDF)

  • Past Workshop: KP&F | Jan 17, 2024 | Slides (PDF) | Recording (leaves KPERS site)

  • Latest Subject Spotlight: Summer Pay | May 15, 2024 | Slides (PDF) | Recording (leaves KPERS site)

KPERS Email Communications

Latest & Most Important Employer Emails

KPERS shares important employer info through emails. We also ask you to forward some info to members. Emails are a vital part of the employer-KPERS relationship.

Updates to the Employer Manual